Oral Presentation 24th Annual Lorne Proteomics Symposium 2019

Post-Column Make-up Flow (PCMF) of organic modifiers enhances the sensitivity of capillary-flow PGC-LC-MS/MS-based glycomics (#49)

Hannes Hinneburg 1 , Falko Schirmeister 2 , Terry Nguyen-Khuong 3 , Nicolle Packer 1 , Erdmann Rapp 4 5 , Morten Thaysen-Andersen 1
  1. Macquarie University, NSW, Australia
  2. Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, MPIKG, Postdam, Germany
  3. Bioprocessing Technology Institute (BTI), A*STAR, Singapore, Singapore
  4. glyXera GmbH, Magdeburg, Germany
  5. Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems, MPI Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany
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